Friday, 18 November 2016



Another year gone
Time frittering away
Still lost in the woods
Trying to find my way…

Shackled by maladies
My feet do not dance
The mirror taunts my image
I live, as if in a trance...

A few cravings to shed
Some probity to acquire
To burn; come out pure
I need a raging fire…

Another year gone
Time frittering away…
Still lost in the woods
Still trying to find my way…

Copyright © 2016 by Anurag Shourie

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

छोटी सी कहानी...

छोटी सी कहानी…

इक बीज, कुछ मिटटी
इक कलश पानी
इक पेड़, चंद पत्ते
हवा की रवानी
कभी धूप, कभी बारिश
कुछ यादें सुहानी
वो पतझड़ का राग
सर्द लबों की ज़ुबानी
टूटे पत्ते, कुछ मिटटी
दफ़न  होती निशानी
छोटा सा जीवन
छोटी सी कहानी...

(Copyright © 2016 by अनुराग)

We will meet again... (A book review)

Author- Tarang Sinha
Publishers- Gargi publishers
Language: English
Pages- 192
Genre- Romance

Blurb- Paridhi Mathur, dusky, beautiful, and (determined to be) single, is doing everything to keep her academic records high and her love life nil, but lady luck keeps frowning at her. When she meets Abhigyan Ambastha, rich - devastatingly handsome, intense and sometimes curt, her resolve wavers. Despite regular warnings from her ever-suspicious heart, she inexplicably gets attracted towards him. But she would not let him trespass her soul. Why? Is she scared of mendacious face of love her past has inflicted on her? Can Paridhi really trust Abhigyan? Will a blissful breeze of love ever kiss her heart? A heart-warming saga of dreams and desires, We Will Meet Again promises to make you smile and cry at the same time. Hold on to your hearts before embarking on this roller coaster ride of emotions!

Book Review- ‘We will meet again…’ is the debut novel of author-Tarang Sinha. It follows the journey of Paridhi, a modern age woman who has her head firmly on her shoulders. Recovering from a forgettable ‘love affair’, she meets the quintessential ‘prince charming’ and keeps on bumping into him. From here onward, the story takes on a course which is pretty familiar. There are no surprises along the path. The destination is one which we all are aware of.

The story has its share of clichés and the author does not shy away from them. A loud ‘Punjabi’ wedding, a fat boy named ‘Lovely’, a father who suffers a heart attack at just the ‘right’ time, orthodox ‘in-laws’ - all are present, duly going through the motions.

On the brighter side, the author writes in a lucid manner and the reader tends to go with the flow. The pace of the story does not slacken. The narrative is coherent. As far as the romance between the protagonists is concerned, the author decides to play safe. Sparks do fly but there is no smouldering passion.

Pick this book up for an unadulterated dose of mushy romance. We all believe in fairy tales- don’t we?

Verdict- An unadulterated dose of mushy romance

About the Author- Tarang Sinha is a freelance writer and editor. She is an avid reader and active Blogger. Her works have been published in magazines like Good Housekeeping India, Child India, Woman’s Era and Alive, and a bestselling anthology “Uff Ye Emotions 2”.
A science graduate, she holds a Diploma in Creative Writing in English from IGNOU.
'We Will Meet Again...' is her first novel.

Friday, 11 November 2016


चन्दन के पेड़ पे सर्प
गुलाब के फूल संग कांटे
कमल घिरा कीचड में
चाँद को दाग हैं बांटे
कुदरत का मज़ाक कहो
या फरिश्तों का फितूर
ना गुलाब की कोई गलती
ना तो चाँद का है कुसूर

(अनुराग )

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

DNA - Dad's Not Adopted (A book review)

Author- Shikha Kaul 
Publishers- Gargi Publishers; First Edition edition (18 April 2016)
Language: English
Pages- 250
Genre- Crime, thriller and mystery

Blurb- When the past that never existed comes to haunt you, there’s only one thing that persists in your mind – It is definitely a lie!

Sometimes life is not just a mystery, but withal a discovery and cognisance of facts and people around, people who have lived on this planet every moment of your life, as a part of your life, have breathed through the times you have spent. Yet they remain anonymous to you like aliens from a different world. Their existence is non-extant. Yet they influence you without your knowledge. Sometimes they too are oblivious to the reality, like the railway tracks which run parallel to each other but never meet. The moment the tracks meet, there is bound to be a disaster.

She is a simple girl from Thailand and he is one of the top business magnates of India. She claims to be his daughter and a year later she is found killed.

A Managing Editor of a leading newspaper and a CBI Investigating Officer team up to unearth the truth. How far do they go to uncover the mystery?
Delve into the timeless journey that promises to keep you hooked from the beginning to the end…. without a blink!

Book Review- ‘DNA’ is not a novel- it is a ready-made script for a movie. The story runs like a car on the expressway from Delhi to Jaipur-fast and smooth. There are no bumps on the way.

The characters have been etched out with great detailing-everyone has a past, a story of their own to share. They feel real; flesh and blood. The story takes time to shift gears in the beginning but once it does, it is in cruise control mode. The pieces of this jigsaw puzzle fit perfectly into place as the story progresses. The climax is unpredictable; well almost. Being an author myself, I could forecast fifty percent of the suspense but kudos to the writer for jotting down a wonderful culmination to this fantastic novel.

The element of romance though not smouldering, is refreshing.

On the downside, the author could have desisted from using words which send the reader scurrying for a dictionary. It’s never a good idea. The flashback, if narrated by a character is usually in the ‘first person’- the author inadvertently wrote it in the ‘third person’.

Apart from these minor glitches, it has all the ingredients of a book belonging to the genre of ‘Crime, thriller and mystery'.

Verdict- A quintessential suspense thriller…

About the Author- Winner of ‘Author of the Year’ award by Salis Online Magazine for her debut novel ‘Hidden Husband’, which is a romantic contemporary fiction, author Shikha Khanduja Kaul has experimented with a thriller and a murder mystery with her second book. Alongside her career in the staffing industry, she manages to pursue her passion for writing and at the same time ensures to fulfill her duties as a mother and a wife.

A graduate with Honours in Physics and a Post Graduate in HR, she has always been fascinated by books of all genres and finds peace in writing her mind out. Reach out to her:
Twitter: @shikhakaul10