Author- Abhishek Gupta
Publisher- HALF
Pages- 80
Genre- Poetry
Blurb- As
we experience different places in the external world, we often find ourselves
at different junctures in the journey to finding ourselves. This book, through
the combination of words and pictures, will take you places, literally and
metaphorically. It is a book for everyone and no one. You will find a lot of
yourself in this book and this book will help you find yourself. It will make
you reflect, introspect, awaken, love, invigorate and hope. This is a book to
tuck under your pillow on cold lonely nights and it is also a book to flip
through first thing on refreshing spring mornings. This is poetry for all
seasons and the constant iridescence of all souls.
Book Review- When
I picked up ‘Iridescence’ for a review, I had high hopes from the author- the
poet in this case. The cover page looked inviting and as I browsed through the
pages, the photographs were beautiful. But alas, the good things ended here. ‘Iridescence’
flatters to deceive.
Charlie Chaplin once said- “Why should poetry have to make
sense?” As I read the poems in this book, I questioned myself if poetry
indeed needed to make sense- to the reader. A poet may choose to pour out his
emotions on a piece of paper in his own signature style. To decipher what a
poet has to convey becomes the job of the reader. But for a reader to be
interested in the verses there has to be a set pattern to the words printed on
the blank pages.
What one encounters in this book is a mishmash of the
varied style of poetry- Sonnets, narratives, free verses. While there is
nothing wrong in experimenting with the different genres of poetry, finding
more than one form in a single poem is jarring.
The poet tries to rhyme words at places but in the attempt,
ends up diluting the essence of the poem. I would advise the author to read
English poetry seriously before he ventures on a new lyrical project. That he
is a lover of poetry is evident in the efforts that he must have put in to pen this
book. A lot of hard work goes into the creation of any piece of art- its worth,
relative in the eyes of the connoisseurs.
Verdict- Flatters
to deceive.
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