Author- Shilpi
Publishers- Notion
Pages- 144
Genre- Fiction (Short stories)
Blurb- A
turbulent relationship between a mother and a daughter takes a sudden turn when
the daughter stumbles across a past that she never knew.
The golden period of a professor's life is tainted by questions about his purpose until one night gives him all the answers he needs.
Desperate times test us all but when hunger drives a girl to do the unthinkable, her life changes forever.
Woven around the lives of the people around us - the shy girl on the metro, your domestic help, your neighbours and perhaps even you - this collection of short stories will take you on a bittersweet journey that explores the spectrum that is part of any human relationship and all the complexity and chaos that secretly dwell within the homes and hearts of India.
Often laced with an element of introspection, the stories are sure to change the way you see the world around you...
The golden period of a professor's life is tainted by questions about his purpose until one night gives him all the answers he needs.
Desperate times test us all but when hunger drives a girl to do the unthinkable, her life changes forever.
Woven around the lives of the people around us - the shy girl on the metro, your domestic help, your neighbours and perhaps even you - this collection of short stories will take you on a bittersweet journey that explores the spectrum that is part of any human relationship and all the complexity and chaos that secretly dwell within the homes and hearts of India.
Often laced with an element of introspection, the stories are sure to change the way you see the world around you...
Book Review- Short
stories are to literature what T-20 is to Cricket. The purists may scoff at
this comparison but it does hold some weight. A novel can take its own sweet
time to capture the attention of the audience and the twists in the tale are
closely guarded till the very end of a long journey. A short story, on the
other hand, is entrusted with the task of narrating a tale in a very short span
of time. It seldom follows any rules and yet leaves a deep impact on the mind
of a reader. To sum up, it is much more challenging to pen a short story which
can hold up its own against a novel which has its 3 acts- a fulsome 7-course
‘Panorama’ is a collection of short stories by debutante
author, Shilpi Chaklanobis. There are 15 stories, all coloured in different
shades; I was impressed by the variety of topics chosen by the author. There is
not a single dull moment as every story packs a climax which leaves you either misty
eyed or with a smile on your lips. Though my personal favourite is ‘Wok’, the
author leaves the best for the last, i.e. ‘The Sealed Wish’. This review would
be incomplete without a special mention for ‘The Second Tsunami’. My takeaway
line from this book would be-“A dried flower ceases to spread fragrance.”
On the downside, the stories could have benefited from a
bit of smart editing. The rough edges could have been polished to add lustre to
this gem of a book.
Verdict- An
unpolished gem.
About the Author-Shilpi
Chaklanobis hails from the beautiful city of Kanpur and has spent the majority
of her adult life in Delhi. She currently heads the Digital Marketing division
at an MNC. The amalgamation of her years spent amongst the quiet, calm streets
of a small city and the hustle and bustle of a metropolitan like Delhi have
lent her a unique perspective towards life. She aims to translate her
experiences and understanding of human relationships into stories that not only
move people but also resonate with them. She believes that the beauty of a
story lies within its ability to be interpreted by the reader in the way they
desire as is evident from her writing. Apart from writing, she spends her time
devouring books by the dozen. This is her first endeavour as a writer and her
writing not only shows promise, but also has a sense of sensitivity that
compels you to think about the lives you touch every day.
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